The End

There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.While I can't tell you who said that, I consider it to be a reasonable conclusion to the Hi-Seekers blog. Let us no longer "disturb our minds with seeking."
There is nothing to seek; no place to go. We have everything we need, and always have. We only have to realize this. And the best way to gain this insight is by peeling back the layers of conditioning we have accumulated. In short, we have to "undo" this conditioning, and look inward. As such, all hi-seeker posts, and related future discussion, has moved over to my Just Un-Do It blog.
You might also be interested in my daily posts of photographs and reflections on my Reflections of Beauty blog.
I hope to see you over there!